Assessment of Managed Aquifer Recharge Potential for Aquifers in North Dakota
The Assessment of Managed Aquifer Recharge Potential for Aquifers in North Dakota information, report, and map service was created for the North Dakota Department of Water Resources to evaluate feasibility for the use of Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) in North Dakota’s glacial drift aquifers to extend and enhance their resiliency.
Biennial Reports
The Department of Water Resources and the Office of the State Engineer have been publishing agency Biennial Reports since 1904. These reports highlight key events, accomplishments, and other pertinent activities of the agencies during each biennium.
The 2021-2023 Biennial Report and previous reports.
Strategic Plans
DWR developed a new 5 Year Strategic Plan to guide the deployment of resources toward key objectives, goals, and tactics that will remain a focus through June 2027. The new plan is also intended to help create awareness among the public and stakeholders about agency priorities.
The 2022 5 Year Strategic Plan and previous strategic plans
County Ground Water Studies
The County Ground Water Studies program provides a general inventory of the state's ground water resources. These studies identify the location and extent of major aquifers, hydraulic properties, water chemistry, estimated well yields, and the occurrence and movement of ground water - including sources of recharge and discharge. The county studies were prepared in three parts: Part I describes geology; Part II provides ground water basic data, which includes lithologic logs of test holes and wells, water levels in observation wells, and water chemistry analyses; and Part III describes the general hydrogeology. County Ground Water Studies are available for all counties in North Dakota.
North Dakota Ground Water Studies
The North Dakota Ground Water Studies is a collection of over 100 ground water studies from areas all over North Dakota, dating back to 1946, and continuing until the present day. Most were undertaken at the request of cities and rural water systems to address some water supply or water quality issue. Many, especially the earlier reports, were written by or in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey.
Landfill Studies
The North Dakota State Engineer and the North Dakota State Geologist were instructed by the (1991-1992) 52nd State Legislative Assembly to conduct site-suitability reviews of the solid waste Landfill Studies in the State of North Dakota. The purpose of this program was to evaluate site suitability of each landfill for disposal of solid waste based on geologic and hydrologic characteristics.
The Oxbow Articles: ND Water Magazine
The Department of Water Resources contributes a three-page section of articles to a magazine titled North Dakota Water, published by the North Dakota Water Education Foundation. The pages are designed to inform readers about agency projects and programs, as well as local, state, and national water management issues. The magazine is published monthly, excluding February and August.
Water Resource Investigations
Water Resource Investigations comprise a group of special studies outside of the scope of the North Dakota County Ground Water Studies and the North Dakota Ground Water Studies. Topics include artificial recharge, soil hydraulic properties, and water chemistry.
Preliminary Engineering Reports
Preliminary Engineering Reports include dam, flood control, drain, irrigation, and other surface water-related studies, for specific locations. The reports were developed by the Department of Water Resources staff in order to provide information to agency and other entities in North Dakota, such as alternatives analysis, associated costs, and to assist in making water resource-related decisions. Older reports completed in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s are often still relevant because these projects and locations may be the subject of future studies.
The Current
The Current is a means of providing the latest agency-specific information concerning water development, regulatory and appropriation efforts, water education, policy changes, Water Commission meeting highlights, and much more. The Current newsletter will be produced on a quarterly basis.
Infrastructure Loan Fund Opportunities
In 2021, North Dakota’s Legislature and Governor’s Office worked to advance legislation intended to support and create infrastructure loan fund opportunities for a broad spectrum of infrastructure needs. This new informational publication from DWR outlines these newly created opportunities.
Multi-State Surface Water Management Practices
A 2024 report of Multi-State Surface Water Management Practices Summary Report and Appendices across 21 states with similar hydrology and geography as North Dakota.
Western States Water Survey Report
To learn more about water resource management strategies and technologies throughout the 17 western states, DWR engaged with other water resources agencies to complete a survey of data collection methodologies and practices that each state deploys for water resource monitoring and water use.
Western States Water Survey Report - Executive SummaryRed River Valley Water Supply Project Intake Options Analysis
As required by Senate Bill 2020, Section 19 (2023 Legislative Assembly), DWR worked cooperatively with the Garrison Diversion Conservancy District to develop a “Red River Valley Water Supply Project: Missouri River Intake Options Analysis” report. The primary purpose of the report is to identify options for use of the Missouri River intake constructed near Washburn.
International Souris River Board Reports
In order to ensure a more ecosystem-based approach to transboundary water issues, and to achieve operational efficiencies in the conduct of International Joint Commission (IJC) responsibilities, the IJC has combined the ongoing responsibilities of the International Souris River Board of Control and the Souris River aspects of the International Souris-Red Rivers Engineering Board mandates, into the International Souris River Board (ISRB). The ISRB operates under a Directive from the IJC. It assists the IJC in preventing and resolving disputes relating to the transboundary waters of the Souris River basin.
North Dakota’s Department of Water Resources Director serves as Co-Chair of the ISRB along with a counterpart from Canada.
To view the current and past ISRB Reports, please visit the ISRB website.
Educational Publications
In addition to the publications listed above, the Department of Water Resources and Office of the State Engineer produce a wide variety of materials of interest to the public.
Facts About North Dakota Fracking & Water Use
With the growth of the oil boom in recent years, and the development of water dependent technologies that allow the capture of oil that was previously inaccessible, the public has expressed interest about how oil development may be affecting the availability of North Dakota’s water resources.
Facts About North Dakota Fracking & Water Use provides and overview of these issues and what they mean for North Dakota.
Developing Water Projects & Funding Partnerships
For many decades, the State of North Dakota has remained committed to working with local water project sponsors to develop critical flood protection, water supply, and other general water management projects across the state. Learn more about the funding sources that support those partnerships.
Estimated Economic Cost Of Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS)
The increased spread of Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) in the region and the recent discovery of Zebra Mussels in ND waters prompted the DWR to undertake a study to evaluate the potential impact to water infrastructure within the state in response to the spread. This study looks specifically at the industrial infrastructure impacts to the state by region.
Surface Water Management In The Little Missouri River Scenic River Basin
In March of 2017, while evaluating temporary water permits for points of diversion in the Little Missouri River Basin, a question of consideration of N.D.C.C. §61-29-06 was raised. Upon consideration of the express prohibition of industrial diversions of water within the basin, all applications for water permits were placed on hold. Further enquiries indicated that provisions of the statute had never, from the time of passage of the law, reached or been applied in the permitting of water, which is governed under provisions of N.D.C.C. ch. 61-04, and Article 89-03 of North Dakota Administrative Code. Reasons for the disconnect are complex, speculative, and beyond the purpose of this report.
Telemetry For Monitoring Oil-Field Water Use
Beginning in 2011, at the request of Governor Dalrymple, the staff of the Water Appropriation Division conducted a pilot study to evaluate the feasibility of using telemetry to monitor real-time or frequent-time water pumping data from water depots.
Assessment Of Potential Use Of Telemetry For Monitoring Oil-Field Water Use is a brief executive summary that provides a synopsis of the conclusions of the study, and recommendations for future action.
A Reference Guide To ND Waters
A Reference Guide to ND Waters provides general information about water resources in North Dakota. It is presented on a statewide basis, as well as addressing the five major hydrologic basins that comprise the state. The information is related to: the properties of water, watershed concepts, surface water, ground water, atmospheric water, water use, water words, and water manager descriptions.
ND's Water Resources Map
ND's Water Resources Map is a 22 x 34 inch poster/map updated in 2024. It highlights the geography of the state's waters and several water development efforts.
Office of the State Engineer - A Tour
In 2005, the Office of the State Engineer marked its 100-year anniversary. This 10-page illustrated article details the history of the Office of the State Engineer, since it was officially established in 1905.
As a result of HB 1353 passed during the 2021-2023 Legislative Session, the Office of the State Engineer no longer exists.
Practitioner's Field Guide
Practitioner's Field Guide is a 12-page report titled: "A Practitioner's Field Guide to Guessing in the Dark: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Uncertainty," by James T. Fay, P.E. This publication discusses the uncertainties of the practice of hydrology and how to deal with those uncertainties.
Today's Missouri River
Today's Missouri River is a full-color publication that provides general information on the Missouri River, particularly the North Dakota portion of the river. It discusses the benefits of the river, and summarizes some of the most pressing issues of the river system.
Water Theft & Unauthorized Water Sales
The increasing need for water to serve industry has also increased the temptation to take or sell water from locations where it is readily available. However, the taking or selling of water for industrial use without a permit is illegal in North Dakota. The Water Theft and Unauthorized Water Sales Brochure summarizes this issue.
Temporary Water Use Permit
A brochure explaining what a temporary permit is, when it is needed, and how to apply for one, is now available.
A Comparison Of Historic River Crests With 2011 Flood Events
The purpose of this map is to provide a glimpse of the severity of the 2011 flood events in various river systems throughout the state.
Closed Basin & Lake Flooding
Closed Basin & Lake Flooding has been developed to address a unique issue to some North Dakotans. The publication is intended to educate the public about what closed basins are and flooding risks that can be associated with them. Topics that it covers include; the challenges to managing closed basin flooding, understanding risks, and ground/surface water exchange. It also contains information regarding NFIP and closed basin flooding.
Floodplain Management Quick Guide In North Dakota
This Quick Guide will help you understand more about why and how communities in the State of North Dakota manage floodplains to protect people and property. North Dakota’s floodplain management programs have been active since 1981. Floodprone communities adopt ordinances that detail the rules and requirements of developing in the floodplain. In case of conflict, that ordinance and not this publication, must be followed. If you have questions, be sure to talk to your local planning or permitting office.
Snake Creek Embankment
Learn about North Dakota’s Snake Creek (Highway 83) Embankment, its importance as a utility corridor, how it relates to Garrison Diversion works, and why North Dakota has been working with the federal government to ensure it is operated properly in support of all authorized purposes.
Pembina Border Dike
Spring flooding is a recurring issue in the Pembina River watershed, a tributary that spans the international border between Canada and the United States. The most significant flooding occurs along a 35-mile stretch from the Pembina Escarpment at Walhalla to the Red River. A key point of contention is the Pembina Border Dike, a unilateral dike constructed on the Manitoba side of the border, which has led to transboundary disputes and tensions. Despite numerous initiatives by various levels of government to manage these transboundary floods, no solution has been successful so far.