Site: 129-092-26 CCB
Site Index:
Basin (HUC 6):
Sub Basin (HUC 8):
Coord (Lat, Long):
45.961908, -102.163345
PLSS Township:
T129N R092W Section 26
Period of Record:

Ground Water Data

Well Data:
Aquifer: Tongue River-Ludlow
Date Drilled: 1962-01-01
Purpose: Domestic Well
MP Elevation(ft NAVD88): N/A
Surface Elevation (ft NAVD88): N/A
Elevation Source:
Total Depth (ft.): 0.00
Bedrock Depth (ft.): N/A
Interval (ft.): 216 - 222
Casing Type: N/A
Diameter (in.): 4.00

Water Levels



Lithologic Log

Lithologic Log:
Interval (ft) Unit Description

Atmospheric Data

Atmospheric Table

Atmospheric Charts

Precipitation Data

Precipitation Table

Precipitation Charts

Please Note:

All precipitation data is raw and has not been reviewed. Precipitation data is reported in Central Standard Time (CST) and covers the a daily period from 12:00 AM to 11:59:59 PM. Data may not represent true measurements at the time of collection. Precipitation bars on the precipitation chart are marked in red when the temperatures recorded at the times when tips occurred, averaged over the day, is less than 36° F, likely indicating the possibility of frozen precipitation. The NDDWR uses a Texas Instruments TR-525I tipping bucket rain gauge with no heater. Potential influencers include, but are not limited to, cold weather, debris in the collector, excessive wind, rain gauge calibration drift or equipment malfunction. The tipping bucket rain gauge cannot measure snowfall. Whenever temperatures near freezing, the tipping bucket may not report the correct rainfall. If there is snow on the rain gauge, it may melt on a different day then the precipitation fell. The use of rainfall data between October and April should be carefully examined along with external factors to determine if the data should be used or discarded. More information about the Texas Instruments TR-525I rain gauge can be found here.

Soils Data

Soil Table

Soil Charts

Please Note:

All soil data is raw and has not been reviewed. Data may not represent true field conditions at the time of collection. Potential influencers on Meter Teros 12 sensor accuracy include, but are not limited to, sensor malfunction, large bulk electrical conductivity and frozen soil water. More information about the Meter Teros 12 sensor is available here.


This data is provided by the Department of Water Resources for your convenience. This data is provisional. This service is provided “AS IS” and without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. No warranty, either expressed or implied, is made regarding the accuracy or utility of the data or information presented at this site. The Department of Water Resources is not responsible for any errors or damages that may occur resulting from the use or mis-use of the data that is provided at this site. If you have any questions regarding the data, generation methods, or errors, please direct any these comments to Department of Water Resources. Phone: (701) 328-2750 or e-mail.