North Dakota Atmospheric Resource Board Cooperative Observer Network

ARBCON Observer Locations
ARBCON Observer Locations

The ARB Cooperative Observer Network (ARBCON) is comprised of nearly 550 volunteer observers across the state of North Dakota. Since 1977, observers have recorded daily rainfall and hail occurrences at their locations for the months of April through September of each year. Starting in October 2010, some observers began snowfall reporting, thus making the network operational on a year-round basis.


Interactive Precipitation Mapping Tool
Interactive Precipitation Mapping Tool

ARBCON reports are all available to be viewed or downloaded through the mapping and data resources on this site.

The Interactive Precipitation Mapping link is a mapping resource for quickly displaying ARBCON data.

The Department of Water Resources Map Services are a variety of internet map servers with various themes. Our general map service uses the Department of Water Resources' vast data resources such as water data locations, drillers’ logs, aquifers, and precipitation info to integrate with spatial data holdings including aerial photography, geo-political boundaries, transportation, and hydrographic features. Our specialized map services are designed for specific data sets. We also have specialized map services related to the data they are designed to deliver such as the LiDAR map service, survey map service, and an aerial imagery map service. Click this link to go directly into the Map Services or click this link to chose presets designed for specific data sets, such as Precipitation Information.

Precipitation Maps
Precipitation Maps
Precipitation Maps allows you to view jpg files of monthly and yearly precipitation maps from 1977 through the present.

30 Year Average Maps - The conclusion of the 2006 growing season completed a 30 year continuous record of precipitation during the growing season in North Dakota. This has led to the completion of average rainfall maps for each month and the growing season as a whole.

Precipitation Download allows you to download data by county, latitude and longitude, or by individual Site ID number.

In Recognition

ARBCON Certificate

Hall of Fame

Click here to view the ARBCON Hall of Fame -- Observers (active and inactive) who have reached or surpassed 30 years of volunteering!

Yearly Certificates

The following individuals are being recognized for their efforts to help the Atmospheric Resource Board Cooperative Observer Network be successful! Thank you all very much!

40 Year Certificates

  • Erickson, Dale
  • Harms, Walter
  • Johnson, Marjorie
  • Laine, Kathy
  • Sayler, Rolland F
  • Stenberg, Titus
  • Swindler, Kerry

30 Year Certificates

  • Duke, Dwight J
  • Goetz, Victor G
  • Goter, Arvin
  • Hanson, Michael
  • Hattel, Robert J
  • Heley, Wayne
  • Jurgens, Linda
  • Lowman, Jim
  • Steffan, Gary

20 Year Certificates

  • Bahr, David
  • Fried, George J
  • Haberstroh, Trent
  • Hanson, Sandra
  • Henry, Tom
  • Klefstad, Tammy
  • Mikkelsen, James
  • Opperud, Rod
  • Peters, John
  • Richau, Kenneth
  • Undlin, Ronald
  • Wieland, Audrey

Are YOU interested in volunteering?

If you are interested in becoming a precipitation observer in your area, please email the following information to the highlighted link below or call us at 701-328-2788 or 1-800-654-5981.

Phone Number

Email with the above information.